Saturday, November 04, 2006

When will it end?

It will end soon. Next Tuesday. Until then the phone calls, he junk mail, the ridiculous commercials, the even more ridiculous claims will go on ... I did see one other person who is voting for Bill Pierce - no, not the pitcher. He's the Libertarian candidate for Ohio governor. Somebody had a letter in the Plain Dealer supporting him. He will get those two votes at least. As for all those judges, the only one who seems at all familiar is Dick Ambrose, former Browns linebacker. I can't vote for DeWine because he voted to extend the Voting Rights Act, which is so far below my line. Brown is a tax and spend liberal, although at least he voted against the Patriot Act. If there's a third choice for senator, that will be mine. Whoever is running against Kucinich has that going for him. Once again we see the axis of evil - the Republicans and the Democrats.


At 11:43 AM, Blogger Marie N. said...

Sounds like Bob Frantz would agree with you! (He's on WTAM from 9 - noon).


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