Neo Cons out
Have we reasons to be optimistic? So much depends on definitions. I am glad the neo-cons are out. They call themselves "conservative," but are really 60's liberals who have been reconciled to Wall Street. I cannot call Rush Limbaugh "conservative," for example, because of his constant retreating to "safe" politics. As for W, he seems to be still fighting the Cold War. The times we are living in will not support safe positions. The devil is very active. The only thing I have any desire to be optimistic about is counter-revolution. There are hardly any models for that. There was a time when the Democratic Party was the more conservative. During its Populist phase, it was far more friendly to the past than the Whig/Republicans. But it was hijacked by progressivist elitists during the Wilson Administration. John Dewey led it into anti-Christian hatred, and J. K. Galbraith led it into socialism. And local labor leaders, who didn't understand how the party had changed, kept turning out the troops. The Democrats lost the "solid south" under LBJ. While 1968 was a transition year, conservative voters actully had George Wallace as a choice, from 1972 on the traditional South was red. It included a large group that has become known as the "Christian right," which is probably as mainstream as they come. It certainly isn't on the right in my book. While it includes some rather wooden interpretations of the Bible, for the most part it is consumerist, and above all safe. I give it credit for standing strongly against sodomy and abortion. But it is very foolish to have "faith in democracy," which means faith in humanity, a completely untrustworthy entity. This year the traditional South has turned purple, although a reddish purple. The media like to scream that the Republicans ought to move to "the left," but the Democrats made the gains they did because they moved to the right. The media will never admit it, because they hate the truth above all. What made the Republicans lose was the war, the war, the war. I am more optimistic that we will get out of that than I was a month ago.
Sometimes, these days seem very dark, but I try to look at the big picture - that there is nothing new under the sun.
I was born in 1966 and I imagine that the 70s must have looked pretty bleak to adults at the time.
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