Wednesday, December 06, 2006

There are in the world three nature religions -- animism, Paganism, and Hinduism. Wiccanism is a branch of Paganism. Then there are three philosophical religions -- Taoism, Buddhism, and Stoicism, although the first has some nature elements in it. There are two historical religions -- Christianity and Judaism, which spring from the same root of Moses and the Prophets. There is the apocalyptic religion of Zororaster, the atheistic religions of Humanism and Communism, and the charlatanry of Theosophy and Scientology. Finally, there are the destructive religions -- Santeria, Satanism, and Islam. For political purposes it is better not to think if Islam as a religion at all, but as a political movement designed to overthrow the Constitution and replace it with the barbarism of Sharia. It should not be protected by the First Amendment because it has an evil political agenda, devoted to the destruction of the host republic.


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