Wednesday, December 06, 2006


For all we can see, this dialogue can only take place on the level of politics. We have truth which the Muslims can never accept. They have the Koran, which enlightened people can never accept as anything other than heinous evil. They cannot put away their anti-semitism because it is an integral part of their revelation. The best we can hope for is that they agree not to emphasize it, or make it a priority. Nor can we deny that Jesus is God Incarnate. He is, and that is absolutely true, whether anyone believes it or not. What we can do is agree to tolerate one another on the political level, which is possible in the West because of the ascendency of secular progressivism. It cannot be done in Muslim countries because there are no checks and balances. There is only the rule of Satan's minions who follow the Liar (whom they call "Prophet"). How sad it will be for them on the Day of Judgment! Incidentally, it is correct to use the pronoun "she" when referring to Allah. Because all subsequent Arabic has been influenced by the Koran, Arabs have become accustomed to thinking of Allah as a masculine noun, but grammatically it is feminine. Allah was the moon goddess in pre-Muslim Mecca. That is why the moon quickly became the logo of Islam.


At 11:07 AM, Blogger Barb the Evil Genius said...

Strong words but sadly true.


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